Requirements and Benefits of Employee Stock Option Plan Process

In the past, senior employees were compensated with ESOPs to recognise their significant contributions to the business. Modern businesses, however, use ESOPs as a form of compensation and a tool for employee engagement because they cannot initially afford to pay large salaries. Employee stock options in India have been extremely popular in recent years thanks to the development of a thriving start-up ecosystem in the nation.

Since there is a lock-in time before the right to buy the shares can be exercised, the advantages of the plan ESOPs can be viewed as a retainership device for small enterprises. Consequently, a company can keep its personnel. If an employee chooses this Employee stock option plan process, he must complete the lock-in term to be qualified to exercise it.

Employees feel a sense of ownership when they receive shares in their company. They begin to feel more like owners of the company than like employees. Additionally, they receive a portion of the company's revenues in the form of dividends, which encourages them to work hard for the benefit of the business.

Employee Stock Option Plan Requirement for 2022–2023

Read the articles for any special rules regarding issuing shares under an ESOP.

The board meeting should specify the time and participants in the pay committee.

The number of ESOPs to be given is included in the general meeting notice.

Conduct a general meeting to receive ordinary resolution approval from shareholders.

Include the creation of the pay commission and the approval for issuing shares under the ESOP.

Process for Issuing an ESOP in Steps

·         Making a list of employees who qualify for ESOP

·         Developing an ESOP policy is the most crucial phase for businesses. The following are crucial considerations while establishing an ESOP policy: The size of the ESOP pool; the standards for employee choice and evaluation; the interests of options owners; the rights of shareholders, such as tag-along, drag-along, or pre-emption rights; the exit method; and the tax obligations

·         Board endorsement

·         General Assembly

·         submitting Form MGT-14

·         Grant Letter Preparation and Delivery

·         ESOPS vesting The period between the option's award and its eventual vesting must be at least one year.

·         ESOP implementation. Employees may apply for shares after the maturation period, wait until the final deadline to exercise their option or choose not to apply.

·         Shares are allocated

·         Create a share certificate and pay any applicable taxes 30 days following allotment. The company must issue share certificates to the shareholders.

Why use a professional?

The expert assists you in having a streamlined ESOP procedure, which includes the following:

·         Check to see if other owners are flexible.

·         Make a feasibility analysis.

·         Make an evaluation.

·         Employ an ESOP lawyer.

·         Get money for the plan.

·         Create a procedure to carry out the plan.

One must select a capable legal advisory firm, and an expert is the solution to avoid complications in the above Employee stock option plan process!


As a result, ESOPs are a great tool for companies to recruit and keep talent, but they are also a risk for the employees. Employees need to be convinced of the company's expansion and should check to see if the necessary paperwork is in place. The first company to utilise this ESOP feature in India was an IT company like Infosys. Practically all industries use this to attract and retain the finest employees. Start-up businesses aggressively utilise ESOP to prevent brain drain and attract the greatest employee resources.


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